Giving and Receiving Feedback

Goal: You will be able to...

  • Recognize the importance of the practice of giving/receiving feedback
  • Give oral/written feedback effectively
  • Receive oral/written feedback effectively
  • Practice giving/receiving feedback with sample scenarios
Lesson Materials:
Review of Writing Concisely
Locker p.391 Answer Key
e-Reserves Test
Citation Machine
Giving & Receiving Feedback (We'll start from Slide 15)
Giving & Receiving Feedback Exercise
Oral Presentations Details
Oral Presentation Topic Choice

1. Pick 1-2 topics you want to present from Oral Presentations Details and fill out Oral Presentation Topic Choice survey. 
2. Watch this Youtube video: and post ONE of the issues from the video that you sympathize with (either because you have had the same issue and received negative feedback on it from others or because you have seen a lot of presenters making the same mistake). Write about that issue here (I did one as an example for you). To post, just click on the wall and write on the sticky note with your name as the title!