- Understand your final assignment
- Analyze and synthesize the evidence from the case to determine their personal stance on a problem, decision or evaluation
- Present logical arguments based on their analysis of the case during the class discussion
- Merck Vioxx Case (for Class D, 9 am section)
- Greenpeace & Facebook (for Class B, 4 pm section)
- Merck Vioxx Case - What should Gilmartin, the CEO of Merck, do in response to the research report (Vioxx doubles the risk of heart attacks and strokes)?
- What are his options?
- What are the pros & cons of each option? What is the evidence for each argument?
- Record your analysis on OneNote
- What is the "textbook" analysis?
- Heineken Case from MBA 501 (courtesy of Prof. Hayden Noel)
- Walmart Case from BA 385 (Prof. Brenda Eichelberger from Portland State Univ.)
How to Write a Case-Based Essay