Key Points from "Successful Writing Skill Acquisition within the Business Curriculum"

1. Why business writing skills are important (para.1, 5, 6, 7, 10):
  • The ability to write helps employment and promotion (para.1, 7) and increases productivity and success at work (para.1, 10) 
  • The amount of writing at work has increased recently (para. 7, 8), especially with increased amount of communication via email (para.8) 
2. Business school graduates have deficient writing skills (para.3, 4, 9, 10), which should be overcome with better writing instruction at school (para.4, 10)
  • Some believe that this is due to lack of attention to teaching writing skills in schools (para.10)
  • Business writing skills can be improved through better education (para.4)
  • Future generation of business school graduates (i.e., teens) should learn how to write better in new genres of writing with technology (e.g., emails, texts) (para.9)