1.1 Course Intro

1. Two Riddles
 Learning Pyramid
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exUlCjqQsDA

2What do you already know about ESL Writing? 
    Refer to Writing Accuracy: Voice of Employers

3. Introduction to PAIBOC and 5 C's

5. Sharing U of I Box: Create and share a folder with me (jinkim7@illinois.edu) named "SU16_ESL505_Name" 

Homework: Identifying and Analyzing Audience
Locker (textbook) pp. 20-23 for Step1 (Read from the bottom of p.20, "Who is my audience?" section)
Locker (textbook) pp. 12-13 for Step2 (Read from paragraph 3, "Use the PAIBOC questions in Figure 1.3...")