1.4 Informative & Positive Messages

Goals: You will be able to...
  • Create subject lines for informative and positive messages
  • Apply strategies for informative and positive message organization
  • Create goodwill endings for informative and positive messages
Homework Check [10 min]: Types of Messages

Practice 1 [50 min]: You-attitude & Positive Emphasis

Practice 2 [20 min]: Analyze the sample positive/informative message you brought to class and evaluate its effectiveness based on the checklist on p.156

Practice 3 [30 min]: Creating an Informative Memo following 5 steps

"Free Tax Preparation Service for International Students in Champaign"

You are a member of “Tax Advisors for the Champaign Society (TACS)”, a student organization that provides free tax return preparation service for international students and faculty members in Champaign. Write a memo to all international students at UIUC informing them of this great opportunity.

1. Benefits
  • Quality of service: all members of TACS are accounting major students who have received Basic & Intermediate Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) certification by IRS(Internal Revenue Service), and have successfully completed the Center for Economic Progress Organization’s (CEP) Tax Preparer course to prepare basic tax returns.
  • Previous history: TACS finished its fourth tax-filing season this Spring 2015. For the fiscal year 2014, we have served 154 clients and successfully refunded total of $150,000.
  • Client retention rate is well over 90% including those who visit us after graduation or moving to another state.
2. Obstacles (must be put in a positive light)
  • One must make an appointment (at http://www.uiuctacs.com/) in advance in order to receive the service 
  • One must bring their W2 (an income document), SSN, and passport and share them with TACS agent(s)

OneNote Online
Student memo sample

Homework: Check Daily Schedule