Intro to Professional Correspondence

Goals: You will be able to...
  • Describe situations in which they would write a business memo, letter or email
  • List common features of successful memos/letters/emails
  • Explain how a business memo, letter or email is formatted differently 
Warm-up Discussion:
  • What was the most memorable (either negative or positive) piece of writing you have received from someone? What made it memorable?
  • In general, what do you find most frustrating as a reader when receiving this type of correspondence? 
  • In general, what is the most difficult part of writing this type of correspondence (either in your own language or in another language)? How would you overcome such challenges?
Lesson Materials:
Professional Correspondence Samples
Critique of a Sample Memo

1. Read Locker module 9 and module 13 (pp.219-226 only) as a review of today's class
2. Read Locker pp.143-156 and complete LOCKER_TYPES OF MESSAGES worksheet “Informative and Positive Message” section before class
3. Bring a positive or informative message you have received recently through email/letter/memo that you think is particularly good or bad (upload it in your Box folder) to the next class to share with your classmates. To determine whether it is good or bad, you may use the checklist on Locker p.156 (Figure 10.6)