4.9 Review of APA Citation & Punctuation

End-of-Semester Plagiarism Survey

Warm-up: Review of APA Documentation

Task 1: APA references list practice using Bibme.org
Review How to Create APA Style References
APA Documentation Exercise

Source #1: Red Lobster Case
- Citation information: http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=39298
Source #2: Big Spenders
- Citation information: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=54331518&site=ehost-live

Source #3: Darden Analysis
- Citation information: http://marketrealist.com/2013/10/darden-analysis-darden-must-increase-decrease-average-check

Task 2: APA in-text citation lecture & practice
Try ONE of the three APA In-text Citation Exercises at Writer's Help

General Rules to Follow in Creating APA Refenreces List
1. Double-spaced with “References” in the center
2. Follows an alphabetical order (A~Z)
3. Hanging indented
4. Has a period after each piece of info
5. Last name, First name initial
6. Title of the article – only the first word starts with a capital letter (no “ “ around)
7. Title of the journal /book / website in italic - only the first word starts with a capital (no “ “ around)
8. Journal title,Volume number(issue number)

Helpful Resources:
APA Sample Paper Formatting with Explanations
BibMe: Fast & easy bibliography maker
APA citation search
APA student handout

1. Try ONE of the three APA In-text Citation Exercises at Writer's Help
2. Try ONE of the five APA Reference List Exercises at Writer's Help