Task 2: Case-Based Essay Overview
1. Have you written a case-based writing assignment before?
- Example Assignment 1: Tax Research Case (Student writing sample)
- Example Assignment 2: Auditing Ethics Case (Student writing sample)
3. How did you structure your writing? What did you put in the beginning, middle, and end?
Task 3: Red Lobster Case Analysis
1) Comprehension Check
2) Segmentation Survey
You may refer to Darden Analysis and Big Spenders, which may help you in this decision.
Fill out Segmentation Poll based on the result of your discussion.
De-briefing: Check out the responses.
3) 5 Ps Survey
Fill out this poll based on your result of discussion.
De-briefing: Check out the responses from other groups. Check out other sections' poll.
Read How to Write a Case-Based Essay p.1~5 (before "Evidence" section)