- Put down your name and the topic you want to present on the Google Doc Sign-up Sheet. You may not choose the same topic that someone else has already chose.
- Write up a Effective Team Work Contract to define roles and set up deadlines for group tasks.
- Create a Group Work folder in Box (a place to put all group work materials) named as "505_Oral Presentation_# of Your Group" (e.g., "505_Oral Presentation_Group 1") and invite all group members and the instructor to the folder
- Two weeks prior to the presentation day (10 days for group 1), every group should upload their presentation outline (refer to a sample outline on p.227) in the Group Work folder and meet up with the instructor to discuss it (the meeting time should be scheduled with the instructor)
- Two or three days prior to the presentation day, each group will meet in a group/collaboration room at a library and conduct a dress rehearsal and peer feedback. If you choose to do a dress rehearsal at UGL, you may have to borrow either a HDMI cord (if the TV display mode in the room is set at HDMI mode) or VGA cable (if the TV display mode in the room is set at PC mode). If you have trouble connecting your laptop to the TV in the study room, you may ask for help from the Circulation Desk (ask for Eric or Stephani).
- Each student will present for 5-7 minutes during the rehearsal (should be video-recorded - a separate video for each person).
- Immediately after everyone is done presenting, students will fill out Peer Feedback Forms and exchange feedback for one another (should be video-recorded). See this example peer review video.
- Students will also take turns to video-record (or audio-record) each other (see How to check out camera/camcorder from UGL).
- The presentation materials, video (or audio) recordings, and peer review forms will be uploaded in their Box folders 48 hours before the actual presentation day for grade.
- On the presentation day, each group will present for 15-20 minutes on the date/topic of their choice during the class time.
- The presentation will be recorded (be sure to bring a camera for your group and ask a non-group member classmate to record your group ahead of time - How to check out camera/camcorder from UGL).
- The audience members will fill out peer feedback forms during the presentations. The instructor will also fill out a grading rubric during the presentation.
- The video recordings, written peer feedback forms, and the instructor's grading rubric will be returned to the presenters immediately after the presentations. The presenters will review the feedback and the recordings to gain insights on their performances.
- Students will meet within 1-2 days after their presentations with their group members and the instructor to share their reflections and make plans for future improvement. One page written reflection (300-500 words) or a 3-5 minute oral reflection recording must be uploaded in Box within a week after the group conferences. See Guidelines for Reflection (Individual Task)
Note 1: To avoid plagiarism, All your visual aids and any information from sources should be integrated and cited appropriately in your presentation materials.
Note 2: You are responsible for coordinating completion of all the tasks within your group. The instructor will not talk to individual students about what to do.