2. Unrehearsed Presentation Outlining
Impromptu Presentation Structures
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Position, reason, example, position (PREP) Structure
Divide and Conquer Structure
This structure is useful when you are asked to state your position about an issue (in a persuasive presentation). In this model, first you state your position on the topic, and then you state your reason for taking that position. Next, you provide an example or story that supports your reason. Finally, you summarize by restating your position.
| The second structure calls for you to quickly think of a way to divide up your response. There are a few classic two and three part divisions that you’ll want to memorize such as: past, present, future; problem, (cause,) solution; cost, benefit; us, them; ideal, real; low, medium, high. You just pick an appropriate division and then include a little bit for each section. |
TOYF Exercises [20 min]
1. Listen to a demo.
2. In pairs/groups, take turns giving 1-2 minute speech to each other and record.
3. Share your experience with the class.
3. Rehearsed Presentation Outlining
Sample Presentation Outline
Presentation Outline Template (Word)
Presentation Outline Template (PowerPoint)
Topic Heads vs. Talking Heads
[If time] Good vs. Bad Presentations
Watch the following example good vs. bad presentations and discuss characteristics of each example in terms of the content, visual aid, and delivery (using Focus Chart )
Good presentation (TED talk)
Bad presentation (a school boy)
Homework: The topic for the next class is visual aids. Try creating PowerPoint Slides (3-4 slides will be enough) for your TOYF topic from today to share with others and get feedback on.