Common Problems in Zhu (2004) Summary

Difficult Terms:
1. Business genres (p.122): genres assignments specifically connected to the business discipline (case analysis, business report, business proposal, design projects)
2. Pedagogical genre vs. professional genre (p.123, para.3) = educational genre vs. workplace genre
3. Institutional purpose (p.125, para.3) = educational, academic purpose

Key Points to Include: the parts highlighted in red seem to be missing in many students' drafts

Characteristics of business genres:
  • Focus on problem-solving and decision-making skills (esp. in team environments)
  • Prepare students for their real-world business tasks (e.g., team work and business communication skills, such as writing memos and letters).  In order to be successful in business genres, students should...
    • Show their professionalism in writing to be successful.
    • Adopt specific business roles as writers (e.g., consultant)
    • Tailor one's message to specific audiences
    • Use appropriate communication style for business audiences (e.g., concise and visually appealing)
    • (Still!) Show that they have learned the course materials
  • Emphasize persuasion with consistency in data analysis and feasibility of the recommended actions
  • Require working with various data sources, types of evidence, and tools depending on different areas of study (e.g., accounting courses seek support from objective standards and regulations while finance courses value support from quantitative analysis).  
Other Issues Observed in 1st Draft:

1. Using identical words from the original source
2. Author's conclusion (p.6, bottom - "thus,...") either missing or misrepresented 
3. No need to tag the author in every single sentence (every 2-3 sentences is fine)
4. "Critical thinking skill" is mentioned as a characteristics of management courses only (not as one of the common features).