Common Problems in Diagnostic Memo

1. Concise Subject Line (Noun phrase)
  • Too vague/broad: "Technology Disaster Preparedness Training", "Technology Disaster Preparedness Training Requirements", "Importance of Technology Disaster Preparedness Training" (main purpose not indicated)
  • Too descriptive/lengthy: "Suggestions for Adopting Technology Disaster Preparedness Training for All Employees" (main purpose indicated, but too long)
  • Just right: "Employee Technology Disaster Preparedness Training Proposal"
2. Clear Audience
Divide different messages addressed to different audience groups in different paragraphs (or just write a separate memo) instead of mixing them all in one paragraph.

Note: Tailor your message or information to the audience (e.g. only 26% of companies have a disaster recovery program -> our company does not have a clear disaster recovery program, it's easy to implement the program due to changing trends in technology -> due to ~~ technology our company already has in place)

3. Clear Purpose
The purpose of your memo is NOT just to discuss or explain the importance of the training or just talk about the TDP training but to inform/announce/suggest/propose the TDP training.

Note: your subject line and closing sentence (expected outcome/response from the reader) should also reflect the purpose. The purpose statement in the opening is an extension of your subject line.

4. Tone (esp. Task 1)
You are NOT a consultant who gives advice to his/her client (e.g. you should... Be sure to...). You are persuading your superior to accept your (or your team's) idea/proposal/plan for YOU to execute (e.g. Upon your approval, I/we can set up...I/we will contact...). Avoid condescending language.

5. More Signposting (e.g. use of bullet points for procedures)

6. More concrete Body (supporting detail) part
Give the reader(s) more clear mental pictures (definite possibilities instead of vague possibilities) to show them that you have "thought it all through"

Caution: leave some room for your superior to disagree/disapprove (don't make it sound too definite).

7. Conciseness - Beware of redundant, wordy expressions
Examples: look at my comments in your draft.

Note 1: No greeting or signature is needed in a memo.
Note 2: Avoid phrases like “I think” “In my opinion” because the reader already knows that it’s your idea and these phrases make your writing less concise.

9. Formatting
Put extra space/line between paragraphs

10. Spelling & Grammar
Incorrect spelling or grammar reduces the credibility of your writing