4.6 Review of PIE and Integrating Sources

Feedback on your Homework (Common Problems I noticed)

1. Final project is our course's substitute for a final exam (review of contents covered in class), so you must explicitly show me how well you understand each concept to get a good grade (e.g. what is coherence? why is important? how can you achieve it effectively?) before you begin analyzing/evaluating the case (Hong's memo). This is missing in many paragraphs I've seen.
2. Be SPECIFIC by giving EXAMPLES: Don't just write, "some parts of Hong's essay are not concise" or "Hong uses several cohesive devices effectively" -> This sounds like you didn't think about the writing very deeply and you just pretend that you did by being really vague.
3. Although you put specific recommendations for revision in the Action plan, you should still HINT at the direction of improvement (revision) in your body paragraphs.
4. I urge you to review assignment prompt & grading rubric before you write up the first draft.

Let's make an outline for your final paper!

Review of How to Cite Sources
Homework: Sign up for individual conferences and submit your first draft by 24 hours before your meeting with me.