3.7 Negotiation

1. Homework Check: Writer's Help Exercises - Any questions?
2. Student presentations
3. Complete APA reference list for the following sources
Source #1: Journal Article (Soda Tax)
(URL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/38311943/60495781.pdf)
Source #2: Harvard Business School Case (A business case study should be cited like a book)
Source #3: Book
Check against my model

General Rules to Follow in Creating APA Refenreces List
  1. Double-spaced with “References” in the center
  2. Follows an alphabetical order (A~Z)
  3. Hanging indented
  4. Has a period after each piece of info
  5. Last name, First name initial
  6. Title of the article – only the first word starts with a capital letter (no “ “ around)
  7. Title of the journal /book / website in italic - only the first word starts with a capital (no “ “ around)
  8. Journal title,Volume number(issue number) 
5. How to use a citation machine Bibme
Other awesome citation softwares you can use for free as a UIUC student:

Warm-up Role Play: Negotiation on bikes
Effective Negotiation Strategies

Helpful Resources:
Negotiation Language Functions

1. Finish up your final version of critique and upload it in your Dropbox as "your first name_critique2" (wrong file name will be penalized) by tonight, 11:59 pm, 7/15 (late submission will be penalized. an essay submitted later than 48 hours will receive a "0").
2. Writer's Help Exercises on APA Citation Style
Complete 3 exercises - 1) ONE of the reference list exercises, 2) APA documentation, 3) ONE of the in-text citations
3. Read "How to Handle the Job Offer" (Roebuck, pp.407-408) for more information on Negotiation