2. Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be able to...
- Create effective written business academic genres (e.g., memo, summary, case analysis) by analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating key information from multiple sources while avoiding plagiarism
- Create and deliver public speaking materials effectively (e.g., oral presentations, class discussions, role plays)
Locker, K. & Kaczmarek, S. (2013). Business communication: Building critical skills (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill:
Optional Textbook:
Optional Textbook:
Ellet, W. (2007). The Case Study Handbook: How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively About Cases. Harvard Business Publishing.
4. Major Assignments & Grading Policy
5. Plagiarism Policy for the ESL Writing Service Courses: One key objective of this course is to teach you how to avoid plagiarism. As you know, the consequences of plagiarism are serious. The University of Illinois’ handbook, Code on Campus Affairs and Regulations Applying to All Students, defines plagiarism as “intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.” Plagiarism is one type of academic dishonesty which may result in a student’s suspension or dismissal from the University. At the very least, it will result in a failing grade in the course at the coordinator’s discretion. Therefore, the work you turn in for this class MUST BE YOUR OWN. Passing a plagiarism prevention certification test is also part of your course requirement.
5. Attendance Policy for the ESL Writing Service Courses: Students are required to attend all classes. If, for some reason, you must be absent, please contact the instructor before class. IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NOTES AND ASSIGNMENTS. Two tardies (times late) count as one absence, no matter if it's 1 minute or 10. If you are tardy more than 20 minutes, it counts as an absence. After 2 absences, you will receive a verbal warning from the instructor. After 3 absences, the ESL Coordinator will be notified and you will receive a formal probation warning. After 4 absences, you may fail the course. Remember, students who are chronically absent or late are in danger of failing the course at the coordinator’s discretion.
6. Classroom Policy for the ESL Writing Service Courses:
- English only while in class
- No electronic devices while lectures or activities are in progress
- Speak up
Please watch the video linked below to understand when and how to do this appropriately.
Participating in Classes: Tips for International Students (Created by Carnegie Mellon, Intercultural Communication Center)
Participating in Classes: Tips for International Students (Created by Carnegie Mellon, Intercultural Communication Center)